As part of our organizational sunsetting process, we lovingly offer selections of our workshop curriculum to you and to your communities. Like dandelion seeds taking flight on the wind, we hope these educational tools serve you and take on new, emergent lives. The workshops below are a handful among many others we offered in the dozen years of White Noise.

We have lightly polished them up in the hopes they are available (and legible!) for use for both newer and more seasoned facilitators.  We welcome you to adjust and shift what we’ve offered to meet your group, the political moment and the evolution of your politics and analysis in your particular setting.

For in person workshops, here is a valuable list of accessibility guidelines to support inclusive planning.

We’d appreciate it if you could attribute content to WNC as you use it as a way of honoring the many hands and hearts that have shaped this content. All of this curriculum lives under creative commons. 

As with many organizations, we are “learning in public”. As part of modeling this, we acknowledge that there are inevitably gaps in our analysis and language that map onto power. In particular, you may come across language around gender in our curriculum that may be more essentializing or specifically center cis women’s experiences of womanhood from our earlier workshops. We have edited and adjusted much of this historic language, and also explicitly want to acknowledge that our language may still reflect this earlier history of WNC with regards to our understanding and analysis around gender.  

May this work be an offering to you in the ongoing work of building better worlds.  

Antidotes to White Fragility 

Full curriculum for the online version of this workshop that brings together somatic, social and political awareness, expands the range of choice when our nervous systems are activated, and offers techniques for grounding, resilience and reconnection. 


White Women and Helping Professions in the Buffer Zone: Maintaining or Challenging the System?

This curriculum was developed for in person workshops and can easily be translated online. 

It can be fruitfully adapted & focused on particular sectors and professional contexts.

Spirituality and Cultural Appropriation

This in person curriculum can also be adapted online.

Please check out the excellent & extensive resources in our cultural appropriation section.

Difficult Conversations

A popular workshop offered for years in conjunction with SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice), here we present the full slides, script and video of the webinar version to draw from and use as you wish.

Exploring the Intersection of (Hetero)Sexism and White Supremacy

One of our first workshops! Developed for in person gatherings and can be adapted online. Full curriculum here. 

Interrupting Patterns of White Feminism

This webinar offered with SURJ Political Education, can be fruitfully drawn from to create a more participatory workshop experience.

Race, Gender and Systems of Violence

This is our longest workshop curriculum. A ton to work with in various ways, including a hearty list of substantive materials we developed for this intermediate 2 day experience, all of which we invite you to use and riff off of. Of note are the case studies compilation and subversion strategies

Investigating Contradictions with Vent Diagrams

Based on Vent Diagrams we created and heard inspired feedback on, we offer these emergent workshop ideas to take and make your own. 

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